Who is the most famous pop artist today?


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Who is the most famous pop artist today?

Justin Bieber takes the top spot, with millions of followers across socials and billions of plays on streaming services. The most popular female artist currently goes to Taylor Swift, while BTS are unsurprisingly the most popular band pop
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Who is the most famous pop artist today?

Justin Bieber takes the top spot, with millions of followers across socials and billions of plays on streaming services. The most popular female artist currently goes to Taylor Swift, while BTS are unsurprisingly the most popular band pop
Yuukkkkkkkkk...Bieber can't even sing Jingle Bells properly :):)
It's gotta be Lana del Rey :)
Yuukkkkkkkkk...Bieber can't even sing Jingle Bells properly :):)
While I agree with the sentiment, not my kind of singer but the question is about popularity and it can't be denied that he is popular.
Yes, but popular / famous is not synonymous to good. I always choose my fav artists NOT on the basis of popularity, record sales or looks.....that is all RELATIVE. It's the quality not the quantity that counts :):)
It was the same with michael Jackson, I could never understand why he was so popular but you just have to accept that most people prefer simple 'pop' music.
Again, "simple" is not synonymous to good....no, I mean, I can accept anything , but do people really choose popularity over quality ? Who cares if an artist is seen 1000 000 times a month on TV if his/her music ? is mediocre.
You are missing the point though, to most people simple and mediocre is good as they can't be bothered with complex music that you or I would consider to be good.
Then these people should not knock the REALLY GOOD music out there.....because the majority of those folk are the same ones who knock anything not pop and brand it as screaming, moaning and chaos......plain and simple idiots :)
I quite like Pink. I think she is much better than other contemporary acts like Lady Gaga or Billie Eilish or Beyonce'.
I quite like Pink. I think she is much better than other contemporary acts like Lady Gaga or Billie Eilish or Beyonce'.
That's what I believe. Pink has a better singing voice and her songs are better than most contemporary pop artists. Some of Lady Gaga's songs are also nice but I cannot stand Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift, or Katy Perry.
Even Swift is waaaay better than overrated Beyonce' or Lady Gaga. I just do not get people who like an artist who wins tons of Grammys (yes, I refer to overrated Beyonce') and totally ignore thousands of valid artists out there.
I do not have any opinion on Beyonce, I have not heard too much from Beyonce to make any judgment. I think some of Lady Gaga's songs are really good. Swift is popular, according to recent news, her recent concert caused a 2.8 M earthquake, and her concert tour created 6 billion dollars in revenue. However, I do not listen to Swift.
Currently, there are many famous pop artists, however, determining the most popular artist can depend on many factors such as popularity on the charts, number of online listeners, and reach. influence in the music industry.

Some of today's most influential pop artists include Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and Billie Eilish. Each of these artists has made significant contributions and has a huge fan base globally.
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