Title of an an instrumental, a long one played in one of the Rocky's films.


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Hello, my first post here, happy new year to everyone.

I am looking for the name of an instrumental, a long one played in one of the Rocky's films, I believe it was Rocky 3 or 4 but not sure about that. the unstrumentl peice was played for some time in crescendo. I first heard that piece on an FM station show that existed @ the 70's called Jazz impressions . I know this might sound as trivia but maybe anyone knows. I do not know if this is the right part of the forum, so please moderators, pardon me if I am out of place here As it is instrumental only I thought of posting it in other music forum,

a big thank you in advance to everyone,

Ps TO MODS , please, if you think there is no visibility here and can move the thread to a more visited forum, feel free to do so. thank you in advance.
Hi there, welcome to the forum :) I'm afraid I can't help with this, I watched the first rocky film, but that was enough for me. I guess you will need to hope for a Rocky fan. Without knowing even the instrument type, it is difficult to know what Genre this should be in, so I will leave it be.
Hey, Floyd, thanks for answering, my friend. I have a little sound byte of the insturmental. It was in Rocky 1. Let me if attaching an audio file is possible. Maybe someone will hear it and remembers that this was the presentation background music for Jazzz impressions an FM radio program that play jazz then and is able to recognize the instrumental. it is not much, but it is something.
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