Kate Bush - Lionheart


Staff member
There were lions, many lions in the grove, and the fiddler said, ah, a fine place to chance a fiddle! He played a merry tune, assuming much indeed he would have made a merry soul, but his dick twas cut from him, and into the lions den he went, fiddlin' without a dick. But what of the maid from Madras" Sit back me friend, you may read some pain, tis a pity I forgot me nova-cane!

A woman name Kate Bush came to this very grove, and had no fiddle, only her voice. These lions were seduced indeed, making their hairy dicks an offering to the princess Bush's bush. Indeed they would like to hide in this one! Even the devil himself burns at the sight of Kate Bush. One reason- she jams. Some cry when they get a toe-jam, but I cry, not with pain, but with passion, at a Bush-jam.

She jammed when the jams were on. The jams when the jams are on. She will jam when the jams are on. When- always. How- hard as my dick at the sight of her. How often- As often as she is awesome. To what extent- Longer than every penis that longs for her on this earth(a.k.a. all of them.

well today was an amazing day. walk all the way to dalton, no sleep at all, talk to her. honestly not sure if it helped, made things worst, or keep it the same. honestly not worried about it. about got arrest for sticking up for dustin. he did get arrest. this wasnt his fault!! ha hah cop got made when i started agureing and start to win, so he drove off XD what a fat loser

Tracklist for Lionheart:
Side One
1. Symphony In Blue
2. In Search Of Peter Pan
3. Wow
4. Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake
5. Oh England My Lionheart

Side Two
1. Fullhouse
2. In The Warm Room
3. Kashka From Baghdad
4. Coffee Homeground
5. Hammer Horror

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